
Listen for events on your account so your integration can automatically trigger reactions

We use webhooks to notify your application when an event happens. Webhooks are particularly useful for asynchronous events like when a merchant starts onboarding, an application was submitted, or processed.

Begin using webhooks with your integration in just three steps:

  1. Create a webhook endpoint on your server.

  2. Register the endpoint on the developer dashboard.

  3. Test your endpoint and verify the events that the platform sends to you with the request signature.

Keep reading to learn more about what webhooks are and when you should use them.

What are webhooks

Webhook refers to a combination of elements that collectively create a notification and reaction system within a larger integration.

The webhook endpoint has an associated URL (eg., https://yoursite.com/webhooks) that receives platform events. Each event object contains all the relevant information about what just happened including the type of event and the data associated with that event. The webhook endpoint uses the event details to take any required actions.

When to use webhooks

Many events that occur within the account have synchronous results-immediate and direct to an executed request. For example, a successful request to create a merchant immediately returns a Merchant object. Such requests don't require webhooks, as the key information is already available.

Other events that occur within the account are asynchronous: happening at a later time and not directly in response to your code's execution. Most commonly these involve:

  • Submit a merchant for review.

  • Merchant has been approved and processed by the processor.

Webhooks can also be used to provide state and API responses to services or systems that use data for things like replication, analytics, or alerting.

Last updated