Google Pay™ offers the convenience of using cards stored in your Google Account, delivering a fast and secure payment solution across websites, apps, and in-store purchases. PayEngine currently supports all major card brands—Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover—in the US and Canada for Google Pay™ transactions.
This platform makes it easy to present Google Pay™ during the checkout process in your web application. If you're already using the JS library, it's as simple as calling an extra function to present Google Pay™ button.
To learn more about the JS library, please see our guide.
<!DOCTYPEhtml><htmllang="en"><head> <metacharset="UTF-8" /> <metahttp-equiv="X-UA-Compatible"content="IE=edge" /> <metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" /> <title>Google Pay Demo</title> <scriptsrc="<your public key>"async></script> <scriptsrc=""integrity="sha512-m2ssMAtdCEYGWXQ8hXVG4Q39uKYtbfaJL5QMTbhl2kc6vYyubrKHhr6aLLXW4ITeXSywQLn1AhsAaqrJl8Acfg=="crossorigin="anonymous"referrerpolicy="no-referrer"></script></head><body> <h4>Google Pay</h4> <divid="button"></div> <script>constmerchantId="<Your Merchant ID>";constamount= <Amountyouwanttocharge>; const submit = (token) => {"<Your Back End Application>/api/charge", { merchantID: merchantId, token: token, amount:String(amount), } ).then((resp) => {//Handle Response from your backend }).catch((err) => {//Handle Error from your backend }); }; window.onload = () => {PayEngine.GooglePay.configure({ merchantId: merchantId, hmac:<YourHMAC>, amount: amount, selector: "#button", buttonType: "pay", buttonColor: 'black', callback: function (response, error) {if (!error) {//Handle Success here. Typically call your backend to call PayEngine ccsale APIsubmit(response.token); } else {//Handle Google Pay Authorization Error } }, }); }; </script></body></html>
// Credit Card Sale// Note that this call is not changed and can pass in Google Pay Token just like Credit card tokensexports.charge=asyncfunction (req, res) {try{ +"/api/payment/sale", {"merchant_id":req.body.merchantID,"data": {"transactionAmount":req.body.amount,"cardToken":req.body.token,"currencyCode":"USD" } }, { headers: {'Content-type':'application/json','Accept':'text/plain','Authorization':'Basic '+ secret_key } })res.json( }catch(error){res.json({error:error.response?.data ?? error}) }}
Presenting the Google Pay™ button
As shown in the example above, in your client app you just call GooglePay.configure function to present Google Pay™ as an option.
Please note that you need to have provide the amount before you call this method.
PayEngine.GooglePay.configure({ merchantId: <YourMerchantID>, hmac:<YourHMAC>, amount: <AmountYouwanttocharge>, selector: "#button", buttonType: "pay", buttonColor: "default", billingAddressRequired: true, shippingAddressRequired: true, callback: function (response, error) {if (!error) {//Call Your backend server to execute PayEngine sale API } else {// Handle error here } },});
To request billing and/or shipping address set the billingAddressRequired and shippingAddressRequired properties to true.
You can also include extra billing and shipping address parameters if default response is not sufficient. Please see Google Pay documentation here
Sample Token Response with metadata
{"token":"pe_sandbox_***************","metadata": {"shippingAddress": {"address3":"","sortingCode":"","address2":"","countryCode":"US","address1":"123 Main Street","postalCode":"90245","name":"John Doe","locality":"Los Ageles","administrativeArea":"CA" },"billingAddress": {"address3":"","sortingCode":"","address2":"","countryCode":"US","address1":"123 Main Street","postalCode":"90245","name":"John Doe","locality":"Los Angeles","administrativeArea":"CA" } },"merchantId":"<Your Merchant ID>"}
Customizing Google Pay™ button
You can customize the label and color of your Google Pay™ Button by providing buttonType and buttonColor attributes in Google Pay™ configuration object.