Hosted Payments

This guide helps you create and customize hosted checkout payment page or link that suits your business's needs, offering a seamless payment experience to customers while giving you control over the design and data collection.

What is Hosted Payments?

Hosted Payments is a service offered by PayEngine that allows merchants or partners to create payment options for their customers. It provides two main types of payment methods:

  • Payment Links: A specific link is generated for a payment with a set amount. This is typically used for a one-time transaction or a specific invoice.

  • Hosted Checkout Page: A customizable payment page that does not require a predefined amount. Customers can use this page to enter an amount, fill out required fields, and complete their payment. The hosted checkout page provides flexibility for more general payments or donations.

Steps to create a hosted checkout or payment links

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Go to the Hosted Payments Page:

    • Navigate to the "Hosted Payments" section in the PayEngine Merchant or Partner Portal

  2. Create a Payment Link or Hosted Checkout Page:

    • Click on the button labeled “Create Payment Link” or “New Payment Page,” depending on your desired option.

  3. Fill in the Payment Page Details:

    • Name: Enter the name for your payment link or hosted page (e.g., "Test").

    • Organization Logo: Upload your organization’s logo to display on the checkout page.

    • Payment Page Header: Customize the title displayed on the checkout page.

    • Background Image: Optionally, upload an image to personalize the page.

    • Description: Add a brief description to explain the payment purpose.

    • Custom Fields: If needed, toggle on custom fields and define a name for the field (e.g., "Account #").

    • Success Message or Redirect: Choose whether to display a success message after payment or redirect users to a URL.

    • Start and End Dates: Define the active period for this payment link/page.

    • Contact Information: Choose which fields to show (e.g., first name, last name, phone number) and specify whether they are mandatory, optional, or hidden.

    • Terms and Conditions: Enter any terms and conditions relevant to the payment.

  4. Preview and Customize:

    • As you input information, you’ll see a live preview of the payment page on the right-hand side. This helps ensure the layout looks correct and meets your branding needs.

  5. Finalize and Save:

    • Once the necessary fields are filled out, click “Save” to generate URL or QR code for the payment link or hosted checkout page.

For enabling Google Pay in the hosted payments, refer to Google Pay™ doc

Enabling 3DS in the Hosted Payments

3D Secure (3DS) adds an additional layer of security for online transactions by authenticating the cardholder during the payment process. Enabling 3DS can help reduce fraud, decrease chargebacks, and qualify for lower interchange rates.

Steps to Enable 3DS for Hosted Payments:

  1. Log into the Partner Portal using your credentians

  2. Navigate to Merchant Settings: From the dashboard, go to the "Merchants" page and then proceed to the "Settings" tab for the specific merchant for whom you want to enable 3DS.

  3. Enable 3DS for Hosted Payments:

    • In the merchant settings, locate the option for "Enable 3DS for Hosted Payments."

    • Toggle this setting to Yes to enable 3D Secure for all transactions processed through the hosted payment page.

Once enabled, 3DS will be automatically applied to all relevant transactions, enhancing security and providing greater peace of mind for both you and your customers.

Last updated