Connect Mailgun

Mailgun is an email delivery platform we use for communication with your merchants. It's a white label experience where we use an account on your domain to provide updates for merchants.

Sign up for Mailgun

To enable Mailgun in your environment, please set up an account on It is a standard sign up procedure where you will have to authorize the new account with a confirmation email.

Once you've completed registration, you can login and see a dashboard that shows email KPIs and a account setup progress bar on the right.

In the Getting started panel, select the link to upgrade your Mailgun account to a paid plan (Flex Trial requires card, but doesn't initially charge) and set up a custom email domain that fits the following format:


For example if you were Acme Corp, the email could be:

Once the domain is set up, click Domain under Sending in the Menu panel on the left. You should see your newly created custom domain listed.

In the Sending there's another option called Domain Settings. Navigate here, and then select the final tab titled Sending API Keys. Click the "Add sending key" to create a new Sending API Key.

Sandbox domains are restricted to authorized recipients only. You can authorize emails by clicking into the Overview (underneath the Sending menu item), selecting the sandbox domain at the top, and submitting it into the panel on the right.


To enable Mailgun in your environment, please go to the console and click Account in the left hand menu. In the Settings tab, you'll see a section to enter Mailgun credentials underneath Plaid.

  • Mailgun Sending API Key

  • Sending Email (in the aforementioned format)

Save and send a test email to ensure everything is working as expected.

Test emails appear in the spam folder. If you don't see it, check there!

Last updated