3. Generate Access Tokens


In this tutorial, we're going to generate some API tokens that will be needed for the integration process. There are three types of API tokens that can be generated to complete the integration process. Here is a breakdown of each.

If you don't have a developer role, you may not have access to manage your API in the dashboard. Contact your admin to update your account access level to developer.

Once you created the needed access tokens, you can process the integration options that fit your needs.

Generate API Keys

Navigate to your API -> Manage Keys section:

1. Click on the Create API Key

2. Provide key details and click Save

Keeping your keys safe

Your secret API key can be used to make any API call on behalf of your account. Ensure it is kept out of any version control system you may be using.

Please note that the secret keys are only visible the first time you create them. After that, the Dashboard redacts the API key. If you lose your secret key, you can't recover it and must create another one.

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